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Version 1.1
Copyright 1987
R. S. MacDonald
All rights reserved
CHOICE V1.1 COPYRIGHT 1987 R. S. MacDonald
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
CONFIGURATION MODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
MENU MODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
INSTALLATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
INSTALLC.BAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
INSTALLING FOR MENU USE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
INSTALLING FOR CONFIGURATION USE . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
INSTALLING WITH INSTALLC.BAT . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
AUTOEXEC.BAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
FILE FORMATS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
PROFILE FILES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
MENU FILES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
PARAMETERS AND OPTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
EXAMPLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
SCENARIOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
CONFIGURATION MODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
SECURITY OPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
EXAMPLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
EXAMPLE 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
EXAMPLE 2: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
PRECAUTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
MENU MODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
EXAMPLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
EXAMPLE 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
EXAMPLE 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
EXAMPLE 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
ERROR MESSAGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
MISCELLANEOUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
WARRANTY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
LICENSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
CHOICE PLUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
OBTAINING CHOICE+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
CHOICE+ ORDER FORM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
CHOICE V1.1 Copyright 1987 R. S. MacDonald
CHOICE is a simple, multi-purpose menu program. It can be used to
choose between several applications using only the cursor movement
and enter keys. It can also be called from your AUTOEXEC.BAT file
where it allows you to choose between different configurations.
After you choose a configuration, CHOICE will replace your
CONFIG.SYS with the one you chose, create an AUTO1.BAT file, and
re-boot the system. CHOICE is distributed as a public domain
program for personal use only. Please contact the author if you
want to use CHOICE for commercial purposes. Donations for using
CHOICE are not required, but will not be refused.
An enhanced version of CHOICE, CHOICE+ is also available for a
small license fee. It includes the ability to substitute variable
parameters when calling programs or batch files from menus, an
editor for building menus and profiles, and several other added
features. In this document, those functions included only in
CHOICE+ are indicated for information purposes. The actual
implementation in CHOICE+ may differ slightly from the descrip-
tions here.
Version 1.1 of CHOICE fixes a problem with an error message if the
/B option is specified, makes CHOICE ignore menu file records that
are defined only for CHOICE+ files, and enhances this document
When CHOICE is executed by your AUTOEXEC.BAT file in configuration
mode it will display a menu of choices. You select one by moving
the cursor to the desired item and pressing enter.
After that, CHOICE copies the files associated with that menu item
to files named AUTO1.BAT and CONFIG.SYS. It then re-boots the
machine so that the chosen CONFIG.SYS will be used.
When CHOICE is called on the second boot it knows that it caused
the boot and returns immediately to the AUTOEXEC.BAT that called
it. The last statement in AUTOEXEC.BAT should call AUTO1.BAT
which continues the setup for the configuration that you chose.
When CHOICE is run as a menu program, it displays a menu with up
to 32 choices. You can select one with the cursor keys. When the
cursor is on your choice, you press enter and choice will run that
selection. CHOICE will execute that program or batch file as a
sub-program to CHOICE. When the sub-program completes, CHOICE
will re-display the menu. The escape key can be used to exit the
CHOICE V1.1 Copyright 1987 R. S. MacDonald
The CHOICE.EXE file is about 30K bytes long and requires about 96K
with DOS 3.2 (plus the size of any programs executed in menu mode)
to operate. You must have DOS 2.0 or later (tested on 2.1 and
3.2). At least 256K of RAM is recommended for menu use.
The following files are included in CHOICE11.ARC:
The easiest way to install CHOICE is to extract INSTALLC.BAT
ARC x CHOICE installc.bat
ARCE CHOICE installc.bat
PKXARC -X CHOICE installc.bat
Then execute INSTALLC. For speed, you can move CHOICE11.ARC to a
RAM disk before extracting files.
Just enter INSTALLC and CHOICE will give you a menu. The menu
items allow you to:
1. Extract the files from CHOICE11.ARC
2. Display the README.1ST file.
3. Display, print, or type the documentation file.
4. Install CHOICE.EXE on disk A, B, C, or D.
5. Install the examples on any of the above disks.
If you are planning to use CHOICE only to provide the menu
function, you need only to copy CHOICE.EXE to the diskette(s) on
which you will use it or to a convenient directory on your hard
disk. The INSTALLC Install Choice item will put CHOICE.EXE in the
root directory. To use CHOICE you will have to build one or more
menu files. Menu Files are described in a separate section below.
See also the examples section for ways to run it. Sample menu
files are included in the ARC file.
CHOICE V1.1 Copyright 1987 R. S. MacDonald
This process is not terribly difficult but requires more than
merely copying files. You must build a CHOICE.PRO file (you can
use the supplied example as a starter), build one or more
CONFIG.SYS files (naming them something else), then modify
AUTOEXEC.BAT to call CHOICE and to call AUTO1.BAT as its last
INSTALLC will, when you select the proper items, copy CHOICE.EXE
to the root directory of your boot disk and install the configura-
tion mode sample files in the root directory of a disk. The
procedure that it uses to install the sample files is:
a. If the file SAVECFG.SYS does not exist, rename CONFIG.SYS
to that name. Otherwise, display an error message and
skip this step.
b. If the file SAVEAUTO.BAT does not exist, rename
AUTOEXEC.BAT to that name and copy AUTOCHC1.BAT to that
name. Otherwise display an error message and skip this
c. Copy the files CHOICE.PRO, $CONFIG.XXX, $CONFIG.YYY and
AUTOCHC2.BAT to the boot disk root directory.
If you do not use INSTALLC, you should do the same things but you
can use different names for the saved copies of CONFIG.SYS and
AUTOEXEC.BAT. Do not skip that step or you may not be able to
restore your original setup.
After the sample files are installed, you may need to do a few
more things to make the examples work or to define configurations
for your daily use. These are:
a. Edit the CHOICE.PRO file with your favorite editor and
modify it according to the directions in the "PROFILE"
section below. This is not required just to use the
b. Use your editor to modify the first statement in the
sample AUTOEXEC.BAT file with valid path names for your
disk setup or modify your original AUTOEXEC.BAT file to
call CHOICE. See the example in the AUTOEXEC section
c. Again with your favorite editor, build batch files that
can be used as extensions to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file for
each of your configurations. This is not required just to
use the examples.
Once you have done the above, you are ready to use CHOICE. You
will probably want to define additional configurations. You can
do that at any time. Just use your editor to build the required
configuration and autoexec extension files and modify the profile
so that they will be used.
CHOICE V1.1 Copyright 1987 R. S. MacDonald
Your new AUTOEXEC.BAT file will probably be shorter than the one
you are using now. You should keep in it only those things that
you want to do for ALL configurations. The things that differ
between configurations will be in your extension batch files. In
the description below, refer to the files AUTOCHC1.BAT and
AUTOCHC2.BAT supplied in the package. They are sample
CHOICE.EXE should be called either by the first statement of your
AUTOEXEC.BAT or right after a PATH statement that allows DOS to
find it. In the example below, CHOICE.EXE is assumed to be in one
of the sub-directories referenced by the PATH statement. Note
that the numbers to the left of the statements are not actually in
the .BAT file but are referenced in the description that follows.
1 PATH c:\;c:\util;c:\dos
3 auto1
Statement 1 defines a path that can be used to find the programs
called by both AUTOEXEC.BAT and AUTO1.BAT. In statement 2, CHOICE
is executed with the /B option, which tells it to re-boot the
system after it gets the configuration name from you. On the next
pass, after the re-boot, CHOICE will detect that the system has
been re-booted and will not do so again. In that case, the
AUTO1.BAT file will be executed. For further examples, see the
examples in the SCENARIOS section.
CHOICE V1.1 Copyright 1987 R. S. MacDonald
The CHOICE.PRO, the configuration files and batch files must all
be in your default directory at the time that CHOICE is executed
(sorry about that). CHOICE.EXE can be in another directory if a
proper path has been defined.
The file CHOICE.PRO describes the configurations that you wish to
be able to select at boot time. Each record in the file contains
an application name (up to 8 characters), the name of the autoexec
extension batch file (which can include a path but is limited to a
total of 64 characters), and the name of the configuration file
(up to 16 characters) that will be copied into a temporary
CONFIG.SYS file. Following those fields, you may add a help text
field if you wish. The help text will be displayed by CHOICE if
the cursor is positioned to an application name and F1 is pressed.
Each of these fields is separated from the next by an exclamation
mark and one or more blanks. The following is a sample profile:
chocolat! auto1.cho! config.yum! Basic DOS with 320K VDISK!
accounts! auto1.bus! config.foo! Direct to Accounting!
vanilla! auto1.van! config.yum! Basic DOS - No VDISK!
progdev! AUTO1.BZZ! cfg.pgd! Program Development!
While a profile file is required to run CHOICE, it only needs to
contain one record. Of course if it has only one record, then you
don't need CHOICE. The format of a profile record is:
Appplication Name: This is displayed to the user in the menu.
It has a maximum length of 8 characters.
Batch Name: the path and name of a batch file that will be
invoked after the autoexec.bat as AUTO1.BAT. It has a
maximum length of 64 characters.
Config Name: the name of a configuration file that will
become config.sys for the re-boot. It has a maximum
length of 16 characters.
Help Text: a description of the application that will be
displayed if the user presses F1 when the application name
is highlighted in the menu. It has a maximum length of 64
1. Each field is terminated with an exclamation point. At
least one blank must appear before the next field. The
maximum field lengths do not include the exclamation marks
or any leading blanks.
2. The maximum record length is 255 bytes including any extra
blanks between fields.
CHOICE V1.1 Copyright 1987 R. S. MacDonald
Menu files are similar to profile files in concept but have a
slightly different form. A menu can contain up to 32 menu records
(no more than 28 are recommended). Each record has three fields:
Application Name: This field, up to 32 characters long, is
displayed on the menu. It starts in column 1 (or 2 if the
menu is within a .BAT file) and ends with an exclamalation
Command: A batch or executable file name and any necessary
parameters and options with a maximum length of 64
characters. CHOICE will directly execute the command.
This field must also be ended with an exclamation point.
Help text: A description of the application up to 64 charac-
ters long. This is used to provide a help display if the
user presses F1 when the menu item is highlighted. It may
also be terminated by an exclamation point.
Fields are separated by an exclamation blank and one or more
blanks. The maximum record length is 255 bytes.
CHOICE will ignore the following records defined for special
purposes by CHOICE+. Note that case is ignored in all of these.
- a SET record that assigns values to variables that may be
either constant values or descriptions used to ask the
user for input. A set record starts with the word 'SET'
which is a reserved word as the first word in the applica-
tion name field (:set in batch files).
- a COMMENT record for documentation only. It starts with an
asterisk (*). An asterisk is not allowed as the first
character of the application name field.
- a MENU LABEL record that allows multiple menus in one file.
This record starts with a $ in column 1 (or 2 if batch
file). A dollar sign is also not allowed in the first
column of the application name field (:$ in a batch file).
- an END record to indicate the end of a menu. It has the
form $END (:$END in a batch file).
The menu file can be contained in a batch file (including the one
that calls CHOICE). When a menu file extension is .BAT, CHOICE
scans for the first label record in the file (a record starting
with a colon) and uses all label records from that point to the
first non-label record as menu records. It saves considerable
disk space on a hard disk to include the menu in the batch file
that calls CHOICE.
CHOICE V1.1 Copyright 1987 R. S. MacDonald
CHOICE can be invoked with parameters to provide a file name for
the profile or the menu file. The command line can also contain
some option fields that make it work different ways. The first
character of an option may be either a slash (/) or a dash (-).
They are shown with a slash in this documentation. Options can
appear anywhere in the command line.
The command syntax is:
CHOICE /M filename [/W]
CHOICE /P [profile] [/B[1]] [/S] [/T[n]] [/W]
In the above syntax diagram the symbols '[' and ']' mean that
whatever inside them is optional. The symbols '<' and '>' mean
that you can choose between the item groups (separated by a
vertical bar '|') included within them but ONE must be included.
/M selects the menu mode. It causes CHOICE to use a menu
file rather than a profile file (they are basically
similar) and suppresses the boot, secure, and timing
filename is the path, filename, and extension of a menu
definition file.
/P selects the profile mode. It causes choice to use a
profile file and allows the boot secure and timing options
to be used.
profile is the path, file name, and extension of either a
profile file. Although it is always referred to in this
document as CHOICE.PRO, that name is not required.
/B tells CHOICE that it should re-boot the machine when it
finishes rather than returning to the autoexec.bat file.
It will work on a normal IBM PC and on some clones.
/B1 causes CHOICE to do a forced boot of the system. It is
not used for normal operations. It will ALWAYS cause a
/S initiates secure mode. When specified, the user cannot
get a list of the profile and cannot use escape to break
exit CHOICE. It offers a minimum amount of security for
those who need it. See the section on security mode for
further explanation.
/T[n] causes CHOICE to start a timeout. If you do not start
to type an application code within n seconds, the applica-
tion represented by the first profile record will be
selected. The number of seconds may be any value from 1
to 99999. If the /S option is also present, this option
will be ignored. If the n value is omitted, a default of
30 seconds will be used.
CHOICE V1.1 Copyright 1987 R. S. MacDonald
/W causes CHOICE to use the BIOS for video writes instead or
writing directly to the screen. While this is slower, it
makes CHOICE a "well-behaved" program as defined by
Windows, Topview, and DESQ. You should use it if you are
running under any of the above, although DESQ will allow
it to run without the /W option if you tell DESQ that it
writes directly to the screen. /W is the default when a
40 column monitor is in use.
Just to help you see what the command could look like, here are
two examples that include all possible parameters and options:
CHOICE /M choicdoc.mnu -w
CHOICE -p choice2.pro -B /W -t30
Note that options and parameters may be in any case and that an
option can start with either a slash or a dash.
In configuration mode if /S was not specified CHOICE lists the
application names in a window on the screen along with a prompt to
select an application code and press enter. You can move the
cursor around among the names using the up and down arrow, Home,
and End keys. As the cursor is moved around, the selected
application name will be highlighted. Once the right name is
highlighted, pressing Enter will select that configuration. After
pressing Enter, CHOICE will copy the batch and sys files that go
with that record to AUTO1.BAT and CONFIG.SYS. If an error occurs
(such as a non-existing file), an error message will be issued and
after you press a key, CHOICE will continue as if no error had
occurred. Because the error occurred the re-boot will either find
no CONFIG.SYS or no AUTO1.BAT file.
If you use the /B option, CHOICE will re-boot the system on POR
and every other time it is called after that (as long as it's flag
in the DOS user communications area is not changed by another
program). If that flag does not exist, it will boot the system
when it is run.
If you use the /B1 option, CHOICE will re-boot the system every
time it is run.
The security option offers a minimum amount of security to the
user of CHOICE in configuration mode. When the /S option is
CHOICE V1.1 Copyright 1987 R. S. MacDonald
included in the command line, CHOICE will not display the choices
in the configuration menu, nor will the cursor movement or help
(F1) keys work. The user must type one of the application names
in the first field of the profile record (or press Control-Break)
to exit. If a non-existent name is typed, CHOICE will display an
error message in the menu and ask the user to enter an application
name again. Since the names are not displayed and the user has no
easy way to show them while CHOICE is executing, the user will be
at a loss to determine what to type. The application name must be
entered exactly as it appears in the profile including the case.
CHOICE+ will disable the Control-Break key as well.
There is a chance of causing problems if the sample files are
installed and you run CHOICE in configuration mode before getting
you have saved your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files under other
names and you are sure that you know what will happen when CHOICE
is run. The AUTOEXEC.BAT files are included in the archive file
under the names AUTOCHC1.BAT and AUTOCHC2.BAT to prevent acciden-
tal replacement of your current file.
Assume that the files VANILLA.AUT, $CONFIG.XXX and $CONFIG.YYY
exist in the root directory and that CHOICE.PRO contains the
vanilla! vanilla.aut! CONFIG.XXX! Basic Setup.!
choc! vanilla.aut! config.yyy! Same as vanilla but with VDISK.!
Assume that AUTOEXEC.BAT (from AUTOCHC1.BAT) contains:
echo off
PATH c:\;c:\bat;c:\util;c:\dos
When CHOICE is executed by AUTOEXEC.BAT and you press enter at
either of the menu items, it will create (or replace) the file
AUTO1.BAT by copying VANILLA.AUT, copy either $CONFIG.XXX or
$CONFIG.YYY to CONFIG.SYS and re-boot the system. On the boot,
the new CONFIG.SYS will be used and CHOICE will be executed again.
It will see that it re-booted the system and exit without display-
ing a menu. The last step of AUTOEXEC.BAT will call AUTO1.BAT
which will do its thing and everything will be cool (we hope).
CHOICE V1.1 Copyright 1987 R. S. MacDonald
Assume that the files VANILLA.AUT, CONFIG.XXX and CONFIG.YYY exist
in the root directory and that CHOICE.PRO contains the following:
vanilla! vanilla.aut! CONFIG.XXX! Basic Setup.!
choc! vanilla.aut! config.yyy! Same as vanilla with VDISK!
Assume that AUTOEXEC.BAT (from AUTOCHC2.BAT) contains:
echo off
PATH c:\;c:\bat;c:\util;c:\dos
if exist CONFIG.SYS goto nochc
CHOICE /P /T30 /B1
erase config.sys
When CHOICE is executed by AUTOEXEC.BAT, it will create the file
AUTO1.BAT by copying VANILLA.AUT, copy either $CONFIG.XXX or
$CONFIG.YYY to CONFIG.SYS and will re-boot the system because of
the /B1 option. On the boot, CONFIG.SYS will be used and CHOICE
will not be executed again because of the if exist statement. The
next line will erase config.sys to prepare for the next boot and
the last step of AUTOEXEC.BAT will call AUTO1.BAT which will do
its thing and everything will be cool again.
Be sure to back up your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files before
you start installation. If you run this program in configuration
mode with the sample files installed, THE CONFIG.SYS FILE WILL BE
REPLACED BY $CONFIG.XXX OR $CONFIG.YYY. If you have a file called
AUTO1.BAT you must rename it before attempting an boot with this
program since it will be replaced by the bat file named in the
If you use the /B option you must be sure not to install any
resident DOS extensions prior to the call to CHOICE. If you do
that and one of those extensions has trapped any interrupt vectors
then the vectors will point to non-existing code points until the
traps have been set up again. That could cause things to bomb,
possibly intermittently.
CHOICE Page 10
CHOICE V1.1 Copyright 1987 R. S. MacDonald
In menu mode, CHOICE is executed with the /M option and one
parameter: the menu file name. Any other options are ignored.
CHOICE will read the menu file records and build a menu of up to
12 lines on the display screen from the first field of each
record. Each line will have either one or two menu options
depending on the width of your display (if you are running in 40
column mode, the menu will be 40 columns wide with one column and
a maximum of 16 choices. Otherwise it will be 80 columns wide with
two columns and up to 32 choices).
Selection from the menu is done in the same way as in configura-
tion mode. You move the cursor to the desired entry with the up,
down, home, and end keys and press the enter key. The command in
the second field of the corresponding menu record will be executed
as a sub-program of CHOICE.
Just as in configuration mode, a help window will be displayed if
you press F1. The third field of the menu file record correspond-
ing to the cursor position is used for that help information.
You may already have used this example. It is called by
INSTALLC.BAT when you ask to see the documentation. First make
sure that you are in the directory with all of the files from the
ARC file, then print or type the file CHOICDOC.MNU for reference,
and type:
CHOICE /M choicdoc.mnu
CHOICE will display 3 choices: Display Choice Document, Print
Choice Document, and Type Choice Document. If you move the cursor
to the first choice, the command:
will be executed. In the second field of the first record,
CHOICDOC.MNU has that command followed by an exclamation mark to
end the field.
Moving the cursor to the second choice and pressing enter will
cause CHOICE.DOC to be copied to the printer. The third record
allows you to type the document without using the more filter.
If you have a browse command file available (such as LIST.COM)
then try modifying the menu file to allow you to use that instead
of typing the file and using the more filter. Note that the
LIST.COM file must be in a directory within your current path
specification or you must include the path information in the
second field of the record.
CHOICE Page 11
CHOICE V1.1 Copyright 1987 R. S. MacDonald
In this example, we will run CHOICE in menu mode from a batch
file. That allows us to call other batch files from the menu.
Type CHOICMNU and see what happens. By examining the batch files
and the CHOICMNU.BAT file you should be able to tell what will
happen. Note that CHOICMNU.BAT uses itself as a menu file. That
is possible because CHOICE does two things when its menu file has
a .BAT extension: it searches for the first label line (starting
with a colon) and only uses records until it sees a record that is
not a batch file label. Thus you can imbed your menu in the batch
file that uses it by placing the menu records at or near the top
of the file. The reason that CHOICE scans for a label record is
to allow you to have such batch commands as echo off ahead of the
menu choices.
See the INSTALLC.BAT file for a more complex example of menu use.
The choices in this menu either call other programs or batch files
or call INSTALLC again with parameters that cause it to copy
files, etc. By displaying this file, you can see how things are
done. Note the pause statements that appear after displaying
error messages or documentation files. When CHOICE calls a
program or batch file that types information to the screen, that
information will disappear when the program or batch file exits.
It is overlaid by the CHOICE menu and will reappear when you press
the escape key to exit CHOICE. If you want to see the messages
before returning to CHOICE, the function must be run by a batch
file which has a pause statement in it (unless the program
displaying the message or data does a keyboard wait before
exiting). CHOICE+ has a way around this - a pause option for the
menu line that causes CHOICE to wait for a keystroke before
continuing. CHOICE+ also allows a menu item to specify that it
should return to DOS after the item is executed instead of
returning to the menu.
CHOICE Page 12
CHOICE V1.1 Copyright 1987 R. S. MacDonald
CHOICE may issue one or more error messages when errors are found
in the profile or menu or when errors occur while executing an
application. When an application is executed, DOS or the
application can also issue error messages.
CHOICE messages for conditions that are detected while the menu is
being displayed are shown as a box in reverse video overlaying the
menu box. Others, including most issued by applications, are
typed to the display on the next available line and will remain
after CHOICE ends. The following are the messages issued by
No profile. Either the name: "filename"
is spelled wrong or you must build a new one and try again
The profile or menu file that you specified in the command
line does not exist. Check that you included the proper path
information and that you spelled the name correctly, then
rerun CHOICE.
Error "n" reading in profile or menu "filename"
CHOICE got an error when trying to read the menu or profile
named in the message. The file exists, but DOS returned an
error. The number "n" is the DOS error number. CHOICE+ will
further expand this error message to include a description of
the error.
Sorry, you must name an application!
This message appears in security mode only. It is displayed
when the user types an application name that is not found in
the profile or if he presses either return or escape.
Error: invalid command segment for entry selected in line "n"
The second field of the menu file is invalid. The line in
error (line "n" of the file) is displayed on the next display
line. CHOICE terminates on this error. The most likely
cause is that the field is too long for CHOICE to handle.
The command segment must be no longer than 64 characters.
Error copying file "filename" to "filename"
This error message appears in a box overlaying the bottom of
the menu. A second line from the list that follows is always
Cannot access output file: "filename"
DOS has denied access to the file in "filename" - why is
CHOICE Page 13
CHOICE V1.1 Copyright 1987 R. S. MacDonald
File already exists: "filename"
The file named in "filename" already exists and CHOICE
cannot overlay it.
No more file handles for: "filename"
When choice attempted to open the file named in
"filename", DOS said that no more file handles were
available. This message indicated that your config.sys
file does not specify enough files. Locate the FILES=
line in your config.sys and increase the number by at
least 1 or add the line:
to your CONFIG.SYS file.
File or path not found: "filename"
The file named in "filename" does not exist and was
named as an input file in your profile. Check the
spelling and that the correct path is specified.
Read error on input file "filename"
DOS got a permanent read error while CHOICE was
attempting to copy the file to either config.sys or
auto1.bat. If it happens too often, you probably have a
defective disk. You could try to rename the existing
file to another name and build a new file with the
original name. That would make the original file
unavailable and probably prevent the error.
Output file is read only "filename"
The disk to which you are attempting to copy a file is
write-protected or you are trying to reuse the name of a
file that is flagged as read-only in the directory.
Either remove the protect sticker from the diskette or
try a new name.
Invalid file handle on output "filename"
This message should never occur. Contact the author if
it does.
Out of space for output file "filename"
There is not enough space on the output disk or diskette
for the named file. You must use a different disk or
create some space by erasing files.
CHOICE Page 14
CHOICE V1.1 Copyright 1987 R. S. MacDonald
Unknown error on output "filename"
This should never occur either. Please contact the
author if you see it.
Invalid record in menu or profile "filename", field "n"
This message is followed, on the next display line, with the
record found to be invalid. Check that the fields do not
exceed the maximum length and that each is terminated by an
exclamation point and a space (except the last field).
Correct the error in the menu or profile and rerun CHOICE.
Invalid option: "option"
The option named is invalid. Check the documentation and try
again after correcting the error.
Too many parameters supplied. Extra is: "parameter"
CHOICE accepts only one parameter in menu mode or two in
configuration mode. Be sure that you have specified the
correct mode.
Error Messages issued only by CHOICE+:
Error "n" processing SET record from "filename"
Invalid variable ID: "varid" - must be %1 to %255
Out of memory space for variable "varid"
Too many variables.
CHOICE Page 15
CHOICE V1.1 Copyright 1987 R. S. MacDonald
CHOICE was compiled with the Microsoft C compiler Version 5.0.
CHOICE has been tested on an IBM PC* and IBM PC-XT under PC DOS
releases 2.1 and 3.2. It should work on other models of PCs and
reasonably close IBM PC compatible machines under any PC DOS (or
MS DOS) release from 2.0 up. DOS releases 1.0 and 1.1 will not
work. If you have any problems, you can contact me via electronic
mail to 72617,1456 on Compuserve, to BEL471 on The Source or by
regular mail to:
776 14th Street
Boulder, CO 80302
CHOICE is supplied "as is" without warranty of any kind, either
expressed or implied. We will not be responsible for damages or
loss, including special, incidental, or consequential damages,
resulting from the use of this program. We will endeavor to fix
problems that prevent this program from working correctly on any
IBM PC compatible computer as long as you can describe what is
required. Since this is a public domain program, supported
without charge, fixes will be made only by uploading the archive
file to either Compuserve and/or The Source or both at my
CHOICE is copyrighted by Richard S. MacDonald in 1987. All rights
You are hereby licensed to use CHOICE for personal, non-commercial
purposes only (including for non-profit charitable organizations).
You may copy the CHOICE11.ARC file and distribute it, without
additions, deletions, or changes to others without charge,
including uploading the file to one or more non-commercial
bulletin board systems. You may place the CHOICE11.ARC file in
computer club libraries and distribute it to members so long as no
charge other than a reasonable duplicating cost (no more than $3
per disk) is charged. CHOICE may not be used for commercial
purposes without the express written permission of the author or
his assignees and payment of such fees as are agreed upon. Please
contact CHOICEWARE for corporate or site licenses.
* IBM, IBM PC, IBM PC-XT, etc. are registered trademarks of
International Business Machines Corporation.
CHOICE Page 16
CHOICE V1.1 Copyright 1987 R. S. MacDonald
As mentioned on the first page, an enhanced version of CHOICE is
available for a license fee. CHOICE+ adds a number of features
that make CHOICE more powerful and easier to use. In menu mode,
CHOICE+ can be told to pause and wait for a key to be pressed
after executing a program or batch file. In many cases this
allows a program to be called directly from CHOICE without calling
an intermediate batch file and speeds execution, reduces memory
overhead and avoids wasting disk space. CHOICE+ can also be told
to exit CHOICE+ after a command is executed instead of returning
to the menu.
CHOICE+ also offers dynamic substitution of fields in commands
called by CHOICE. Fields in the command field of a menu record
may be represented by a variable in the form %n (where n is a
number from 0 to 99). In either case, CHOICE+ searches the
variables defined in any SET records found in the menu file. If
the variable is not found CHOICE+ issues an error message and
ignores the field. If it is found, CHOICE+ looks at the value set
in the set record. If the first character of the string to which
the variable is set is an asterisk, CHOICE+ will use the assigned
value. If not, CHOICE+ asks the user to supply the value for the
variable, displaying the string assigned in the SET statement as a
question. The resulting value is then substituted in the command
string when the program is called.
To save disk space, CHOICE+ allows more than one menu to be
imbedded within a batch or menu file.
The CHOICE+ package also includes a menu build program. It is a
simple editor that allows you to enter the fields for each record
in a menu file. It checks for valid field and record lengths and,
when you tell it to end, asks for text to be assigned to any
variables entered in command fields and builds SET records for
CHOICE+ is available from CHOICEWARE for a fee of $25.00 U.S. The
package consists of one disk containing the program, documentation
and sample files. If you prefer printed documentation, include an
additional $10. The documentation will be photo-copied on either
5 1/2" by 8 1/2" paper punched to fit a standard PC documentation
binder or on 8 1/2" by 11" paper punched to fit a standard 3-hole
binder. For your convenience, and order form is on the last page
of this document. The same form may be used to get on our mailing
list for announcements of new programs and updates.
CHOICE Page 17
CHOICE V1.1 Copyright 1987 R. S. MacDonald
776 14th Street
Boulder, CO 80302
Name: ____________________________ Name:_______________________________
Company: _________________________ Company:____________________________
Street: __________________________ Street: ____________________________
City:_____________________________ City:_______________________________
State: _____ ZIP: ___________ State: _____ ZIP: ___________
CHOICE+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________ $25.00 _________
CHOICE+ Hard Copy Documentation . . . . . . ________ $10.00 _________
RUSH Shipping (Second day air). . . . . . . . . . . . $10.00 _________
TOTAL AMOUNT INCLUDED WITH ORDER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ ________
MEDIA: 5 1/4" DSDD ______ 5 1/4" SSDD ______ 3 1/2" 720K _____
I prefer hard copy documentation in the following format:
5 1/2" X 8 1/2" ____ 8 1/2" X 11" ____
I wish to be on your mailing list for new product
announcements: YES _____ NO _____
Comments (Please continue on reverse): _____________________________________
Thank you for your order. We appreciate your business.
CHOICE Page 18